After Action Review, Only Better: Collaborative Real-Time Debriefing
The After-Action Review, a form of debriefing, is a known way for continuos improvement. But what happens when the whole team works remotely, and business realities change daily? It’s time to get started with continuous Improvement processes with the #1 platform. When your team is coming up against a challenging time, process, or milestone, it […]
How Will Teams Get Better in 2021?
2020 shook the world of work, and we know we’re not alone in saying we’re happy it’s behind us. The drastic changes of the last year mean that even as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, the world of work will have evolved. We expect two trends—both of which existed before the pandemic but were […]
Sales Just Went from Hard to Harder. Can Your Team Keep Up?
Even before COVID-19, the way we do business and sell was fast evolving, thanks to growing tech-enabled and remote sales methods. Now, it’s changing at turbo speed. Gone are the days of regional reps and expansive trade shows. Like many other business activities, sales in the post-COVID world increasingly take place online and remotely. According […]
What Can Sales Teams Do to Sell More in the Post-COVID World?
Keeping sales teams performing at their top is harder than ever. Selling has become almost exclusively a remote activity, raising stakes in a market where both consumers and businesses buy less. A virtual meeting could be a salesperson’s only chance to make a positive impression and pique the buyer’s interest, making it more critical than […]
How SYNC Residential Builds a Crisis-Ready Remote Team
Oren Blatt, CEO of SYNC Residential, shares the practices he’s put in place to build a crisis-ready culture in his remote team, and how they’ve proven helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team had a (virtual) chat with Oren Blatt who runs SYNC Residential, a property development and management company based in Houston. With 5,200 […]
What Can Combat Pilots Teach Us About Learning in Crisis?
As organizations across the globe struggle to keep populations healthy and businesses operational, a look at what combat pilots do to maintain high performance in crisis might offer helpful tools. Debriefing is Critical – Especially in Crisis It is not by chance that politicians and pundits are using the language of battle when describing their […]
COVID-19 is Changing the Way We Work.
Here is How You Keep Employees On Track.
Efforts to curtail the spread of coronavirus have forced companies and teams to drastically change their work habits. Companies have instructed employees to work remotely, creating new challenges for managers to maintain efficiency. How can newly remote teams stay on track to deliver in these uncertain times? COVID-19 is Rapidly Changing the Reality of Work […]